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Vacant Home Tax

It’s time to submit your Vacant Home Tax declaration!


Toronto property owners are required to declare occupancy status of their property every year. The deadline is April 30, 2025. The City’s online portal is secure and the quickest way to submit a declaration. Or you can call my office, we can also assist in filling out the declaration form.


Welcome to my Councillor website for Ward 16, Don Valley East.


I want to thank the residents and voters for electing me to serve as your city Councillor at Toronto City Hall.  It is a great honour. One of our great strengths is our diverse community from Fenside in the north to Flemingdon and Victoria Village in the south and from Parkwoods and O'Connor Hills in the east to Don Mills in the west.


I encourage you to check out my website for updated information on issues and events in the ward. I encourage you to keep in touch and contact my office to serve you and your city needs.


I look forward to hearing from you or seeing you soon!


Community Office
Our new Ward 16 Community Office is now open!  

When I knocked on doors last fall one of the issues I heard from residents was the need for a local Ward 16 community office. Most other city Councillors have an office in their ward, but Ward 16 Don Valley East did not. I committed to residents that I would set up one in the ward, and I am pleased to inform you that the City has finalized a lease. Our community office is located at 895 Lawrence Ave East at the The Donway West (2nd floor near Pet Valu). It is in the middle of the ward, near the Shops at Don Mills and close to transit. There will also be parking available. This location will allow me to meet residents in the ward in an office setting, but I will still be available to meet in other places of your choosing in the ward.


Watch my e-update and website for more details.

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1 Deauville Lane – Applicant Open House


February 19, 2025

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 


Gateway Public School

55 Gateway Blvd


City Planning have received an application for 1 Deauville Lane. Details may be reviewed on the City's application information centre: Development Applications.

The proposal, which requires Zoning Bylaw Amendment, proposes three towers at 44, 47 and 49 storeys. 1,833 units and 356 parking spaces.

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Don Mills Town Hall Meeting


March 3, 2025

6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 


Don Mills C.I.

15 The Donway East


Join me at my in-person Grenoble Town Hall meeting.


It's a great opportunity to discuss ward and city issues, and for me to hear your feedback.
Come hear about transportation issues, development and city budget. Representatives of the TTC and the Toronto Police Service will be in attendance.


I look forward to seeing you on Mar 3.

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Development Updates

Due to rapid transit expansion and an ever-increasing demand for housing, Don Valley East is facing unprecedented levels of development. Developers continue to push for Applications that are too large for neighbourhoods. Our office will work with the community to encourage developers to modify their proposals to better suit the needs of local residents. For the most up-to-date status on an application please email our office at


895 Lawrence Avenue East 

The application is currently under review by The City.


Proposal for a mixed-use building comprised of two towers having heights of 17 and 22-storeys connected by a 6-storey podium, and containing 438 dwelling units. The proposed retail space gross floor area is 1472 square metres, and the proposed residential gross floor area is 38,949 square metres. Proposal provides 334 vehicular parking spaces, 449 bicycle parking spaces, and 2 loading spaces.

Related Applications.

Councillor Burnside’s in-person Open House and the City Community Consultation have both taken place.

  • 22 180913 NNY 16 OZ - Under Review


1-3 Concorde Gate/
10-12 Concorde Place

Date Submitted: 05/07/2021

Status: Approved by the Province, Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)


175 Wynford Drive  Don Valley Hotel

The site is for sale

Previous OMB appeal approved.

Draft Plan of Subdivision application to facilitate the redevelopment of the site, including 3 residential tall buildings ranging from 55 to 65 storeys, a new public road and new public parkland of 1,799 sq.m. The total gross floor area is 181,332 sq.m, resulting in a density of 7.79 FSI and a total of 2,500 residential units. The linked rezoning file no. is 20 198704 NNY 16 OZ.


770 Don Mills Rd  

A HousingNOW site  – 1,254 residential units with approximately 418 affordable rental units. A new TDSB elementary school 997 square metre non-profit child care facility,1,065 square metre public park. Re-naturalization of the Don Valley Ravine. A mid-block connection between Science Centre Station and the public park – Two new public streets


789 – 793 Don Mills Rd (10 Ferrand)

OPA & Rezoning

Councillor Burnside's Open House and the City's Community Consultation are complete.

The Applicant appealed the application to The Province which is now the Approval Body.

Description: Proposed development consists of three (3) phases. Phase One is - privately Owned Publicly Accessible Open Space (POPS) with below grade parking in the existing conference centre. Phase Two - proposes two towers of 56 and 49 storeys (Buildings A and B, respectively) connected with a 4-11 storeys podium. Phase Three- proposes two towers of 45 and 22 storeys in height (Buildings C and D, respectively) connected by an 4 - 7 storey podium. Total proposed Residential GFA is 139,068 m2.


805 Don Mills Rd

A HousingNOW site – 840 residential units with approximately 277 affordable rental units, 1,020 square metre non-profit childcare facility, 992 square metre public park. A new public street and the realignment of an existing public right-of-way. Mid-block pedestrian connections between Eglinton Avenue East and the new public street. An improved public realm and streetscape in a mixed –income development adjacent to the new Eglinton Crosstown LRT Science Centre Station, a new City park and a child care facility.


825 Don Mills Rd

The 825 Don Mills site will not be included in the conversion request report at the July PHC meeting.


230 The Donway West -Approved

OPA & Rezoning 

Proposal for a 6 storey mixed use building with a 735 m2 intergrated church on the ground level, and 18,886m2 residential area. The proposal includes 271 residential units in total ( 5 townhouses, 266 condominiums) and 237 parking spaces. Sliver of the south side will be dedicated to the City for parkland to expand Duncairn Park

  • There will be a 0.4m road widening conveyance along
    The Donway West

  • The project will be registered as a Condominium Corporation and at this time, the Church is contemplated to be included
    as a part of the Condominium.

  • Low rise, single family detached homes are to the northwest of the site and resident concerns need to be addressed.


200 Gateway Blvd.  (Open House and Community Consultation Completed) 

The proposed development of a 47 storey residential tower with 8 townhouse units connected to its podium; a 12 storey residential building with 353.2 sq.m of accessory commercial uses at grade; and two townhouse blocks containing 10 residential units. The existing 17 storey apartment building will be retained.

The application is under review by City Planning.


155 St Dennis Drive

Status: Under Appeal at the Province

The proposed development consists of four (4) residential towers ranging between 42 to 56 storeys in height, linked by a base building. The proposed development contains 2,170 residential units, 135,413 square metres of residential uses, and approximately 348 square metres of non-residential space. In addition, a total of 405 vehicle parking spaces and 2,397 bicycle parking spaces are proposed.


135 Fenelon Drive

April 2018 revised application for 10 storey building to the north, and 4 storey building to the south. 10 storey building would have 149 residential units (10,822 square metres GFA), and 88 square metres of commercial GFA. The four storey stand alone residential building to the south would consist of 60 residential units with a GFA of 4,643 square metres. Taking together with the existing 19 storey building which would remain, the entire site would consist of 427 rental units and a gross floor area of 37,528 square metres. The proposed density is 2.57 times the area of the lot.

The application is under review by City Planning.


45 Grenoble Drive

Status: Under review

A Community meeting will be scheduled.

Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the infill development of the subject site with a 39-storey purpose-built rental residential building (125.3 metres, exclusive of a 7.0 mechanical penthouse) atop a 5-storey podium, while retaining the existing 28-storey residential apartment building in-situ. The proposal contains a total gross floor area of 28,493.50 square metres, including 405 dwelling units, resulting in a density of 3.6 FSI. Together with the existing building, the proposal will result in a combined unit count of 622 rental residential units with a combined density of 6.0 FSI.


1 Deauville Lane

Status: Under Review

A Community meeting will be scheduled.

To demolish the existing 7-storey rental building to permit 3 residential buildings heights ranging from 44, 47, 49 storeys with a total residential gross floor area of 112,679 square metres. Tower A will be 44-storeys and will sit atop a 5-storey podium. Tower B at 49-storeys, and Tower C at 47-storeys, will be connected by a 5-6-storey podium element that will form the street wall along Deauville Lane.


48 Grenoble Drive

Application Type: Rezoning

Date Submitted: 25/03/2022

Status: Approved

Description: Rezoning application for proposed development includes 43- and 41-storey towers connected by a 6 storey podium, with on-site parkland dedication and a privately-owned publicly –accessible space. The towers and podium contain 993 residential units, comprised of 109 replacement rental units and 884 new residential units. Total GFA is 67,941 m², resulting in a density (FSI) of 10.1 times the area of the lot.

The Community Consultation meeting is complete and the application is still under review by City Planning.


123 Wynford Drive

Approved at the Province.

Proposed two residential towers of 55 and 48 storeys with 1128 residential units. A portion of existing listed heritage building (Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre) will be preserved. A total of 78,659.75 square metres of residential GFA are proposed (FSI 6.48). 463 parking spaces are proposed.

The Open House and Community Consultation meeting are complete.

The development application and Heritage Designation have been appealed to The Province


​801 York Mills

Approved, Ontario Land Tribunal. For further details please email my office.



For more information regarding demolition and replacement of private-market rental housing, click here.


To view past community consultation meetings, click here.


Please contact our office if you have any questions about these proposals or the Application process.


Click here to read updates on Major Streets, Locally Serving Retail & Services, Rear Transition Performance Standards, Multi-Tenant (Rooming) Houses(MTH), Major Transit Station Areas(MTSA) and Wynford-ConcordeFocused Area Study.


The Committee of Adjustment is launching a new on-line registration portal. If you wish to sign up to speak to an application, links will be live to register 20 days before the hearing. Access the on-line registration portal here.


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Click the newsletter icon below to view our Community Updates.

Or click here to read previous editions.

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Keep In Touch

Your comments are important to future decisions that affect our community and our City. Please contact me to share your views on municipal issues. 

City Hall

100 Queen Street West,

2nd Floor, Suite B33,

Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2

Community Office

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

895 Lawrence East,

2nd Floor, Suite 205,

Toronto, ON M3C 3L2

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