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135 Fenelon

April 2018 revised application for 10 storey building to the north, and 4 storey building to the south. 10 storey building would have 149 residential units (10,822 square metres GFA), and 88 square metres of commercial GFA. The four storey stand alone residential building to the south would consist of 60 residential units with a GFA of 4,643 square metres. Taking together with the existing 19 storey building which would remain, the entire site would consist of 427 rental units and a gross floor area of 37,528 square metres. The proposed density is 2.57 times the area of the lot.

Office is waiting to be briefed by City Planning.


48 Grenoble
– Rezoning

Application Type: Rezoning

Date Submitted: 25/03/2022

Status: Under Review

Description: Rezoning application for proposed development includes 43- and 41-storey towers connected by a 6 storey podium, with on-site parkland dedication and a privately-owned publicly –accessible space. The towers and podium contain 993 residential units, comprised of 109 replacement rental units and 884 new residential units. Total GFA is 67,941 m², resulting in a density (FSI) of 10.1 times the area of the lot.

A community meeting is being scheduled for the New Year, 2023!


1075 Leslie St/Eglinton

Rowntree Enterprises through Rowbry Holdings Ltd. The 28,350 sm mixed-use development at 1075 Leslie will replace the existing Lexus and Toyota dealerships.

Rezoning Date Submitted: 06/09/2022

Status: Under Review

Description: Proposal for a development of five new residential and mixed-use buildings with heights ranging from 13- to 49-storeys containing a total of 1,846 dwelling units and a new 2,734 square metre (0.27 hectare) public park. The proposed development contains a total gross floor area of 133,895 square metres, comprised of 133,330 square metres of residential gross floor area and 565 square metres of non-residential gross floor area resulting in a density of 4.99 times the area of the lot.

A community meeting will be held mid-late January 2023.


155 St. Denis
Flemingdon Golf Course site

No application has been submitted to City Planning at this time,

an application is expected. Nothing has been approved!


123 Wynford

Proposed two residential towers of 55 and 48 storeys with 1128 residential units. A portion of existing listed heritage building (Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre) will be preserved. A total of 78,659.75 square metres of residential GFA are proposed (FSI 6.48). 463 parking spaces are proposed.

A community meeting will be held in the New Year, 2023.


175 Wynford Don Valley Hotel

* Office to be briefed by City Planning on this application

Previous OMB appeal. 

Draft Plan of Subdivision application to facilitate the redevelopment of the site, including 3 residential tall buildings ranging from 55 to 65 storeys, a new public road and new public parkland of 1,799 sq.m. The total gross floor area is 181,332 sq.m, resulting in a density of 7.79 FSI and a total of 2,500 residential units. The linked rezoning file no. is 20 198704 NNY 16 OZ.


801 York Mills

Under Appeal to the Province, Ontario Land Tribunal.

The City of Toronto has Party status representing the city's concerns! AppliFirst Capital REIT, agent for First Capital (801 York Mills) Corporation and First Capital Holdings (Ontario) Corporation, are joint owners of the properties municipally known as 801 York Mills Road and 1855 Leslie Street.


To date, there have been productive consultations regarding this Application, with the community raising several concerns. The Application includes two 21-storey towers and one 9-storey midrise building. The councillor and the community have significant concerns regarding the height and density of this project, and its impact on the surrounding neighbourhood.


850 York Mills

Date Submitted: 20/12/2018

Status: Under Review

Description: 9 storey non-residential mixed use building consisting of retail uses on the ground floor, offices uses and self-storage uses throughout the building and two levels of underground parking. A total of 699 parking spaces and 7 loading spaces will be provided. Vehicular access is proposed along Lesmill Rd which will facilitate access to the property and the loading area and another vehicular access will provide access to the York Mills Rd underpass.

Our office is waiting for an update from City Planning.


865 York Mills

Status: Under Review

Description: Proposal is to amend the Official Plan to permit residential and retail uses on the site. The proposal includes two 25 storey office buildings each with 26,695 sq.m. GFA, 16,700 sq.m. of retail space, a 20 storey hotel with 15,300 sq.m. of GFA and 3 residential buildings with 892 residential units with heights of 32 to 38 storeys. Total GFA proposed is 184,770 sq.m. with an overall density of 5.5 FSI.


900 York Mills

Under review for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment. Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment applications for the proposal of two proposed residential mixed- use buildings with proposed heights of 32 and 26 storeys with a total of 564 residential units, along with a new 8 storey mid rise office building. A rear addition to an existing 21 storey hotel, including a new 10 storey hotel, a new ballroom and an expanded conference centre. An additional 38,164 square metres of above grade parking is also proposed.


50 Greenbelt Drive/40 Moccasin Trail

Our office is waiting for update from Planning.

Application Number: 13 173059 NNY 34 OZ
Application Type: Community Planning
Ward: Ward 16: Don Valley East
Status: OMB Approved
Date Submitted: May 23, 2013
Contact Name: Marian Prejel
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number: (416) 392-9337


1150 Eglinton East

OMB approved

Application Type: Site Plan Approval

Date Submitted: 01/12/2021

Status: Under Review

Description: This is an application for Site Plan Control on Block 8 of the Crosstown (Celestica) development. The application proposes ten 3-storey townhouse blocks consisting of 8 units each, for a total of 80 residential dwelling units. The proposed residential gross floor area is 14,960.40 square metres.


1155 Eglinton East

OMB approved

This is an application for Site Plan Control on Block 8 of the Crosstown (Celestica) development. The application proposes ten 3-storey townhouse blocks consisting of 8 units each, for a total of 80 residential dwelling units. The proposed residential gross floor area is 14,960.40 square metres.


78 Tisdale

​Under Appeal at TLAB, Toronto Local Appeal Body. The City of Toronto is a Party to the case.

Proposal to increase the number of dwelling units from 35 to 52, increase the height, revise the setbacks, and alter the parking to rear lane garage access. Revision to the previous draft plan of subdivision file 05 - 114052. The link on the website now provides the details in the staff report.


For more information regarding demolition and replacement of private-market rental housing, click here.


Please contact our office if you have any questions about these proposals or the Application process.

865 York Mills
900 York Mills
155 St. Denis
124 Wynfod
Don Valley Hotel
801 York Mills
50 Greenbelt
850 York Mills
1150 Eglinton Ave East
1155 Eglinton
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